We - the Brave Components team - believe in the potential of innovative products.
Under the label TauwerkWheels we develop and distribute our solution for perfect wheelchair wheels. In doing so, we act precisely and without compromise.
Performance and emotion
We believe in the potential of innovative products to improve lives. We know that technical innovations can play a decisive role in creating opportunities for people. And the simple equation applies: The greater the performance of the product, the greater the added value for people. The wheel - and especially the wheelchair wheel - is probably one of the best examples of this. Products with unique design, impeccable workmanship, outstanding performance and a story associated with the product should give people a zest for life. We firmly believe that positive emotions can help people realize their potential.
Is perfection possible?
Is it possible to create a perfect product?
A product where every detail, no matter how small, cannot be further improved?
Perfection is flawlessness and completion.
Impeccable workmanship and manufacturing quality, accuracy of fit, dimensional accuracy and surface quality.
Perfect design.
We strive for this perfection.
We want to create products that are better.
Better than what's out there so far.
Technically and aesthetically close to perfection.
Perfection is unattainable. But it can be approached.
Piece by piece. On and on.
We believe in the potential of innovative products to improve lives.
We know that technical innovations can play a crucial role in creating opportunities for people.
And the simple equation applies: the greater the performance of the product, the greater the added value for people.
A wheel - and especially the wheelchair wheel - is probably one of the best examples of this.
Products with unique design, impeccable workmanship, outstanding performance and a story associated with the product should give people a zest for life.
We firmly believe that positive emotions can help people realize their potential.
The pursuit of perfection is not an end in itself for us.
It is for the creation of a better world. Your world.
We are driven by the desire to create something that will sustainably advance people in their actions and in their personality.
These beliefs are our drive and our mission:
Empowering innovation. Empowering you!
That's what we've joined forces to do.
We founded Brave Components and the brand Tauwerk create
We want to prove that it is possible to approach the perfect bike.
We want to create a bike that inspires people and moves them forward.
It is not trivial to create exceptional products.
Even if mechanical engineering occasionally has a somewhat dry, less emotional image, we use our knowledge in theory of material strength, materials engineering, design theory and machine elements to create our extraordinary products.
This does not mean that all effort can only lead to one result. Every outstanding product carries not only the signature and ideas of the developers, but also those of the users.
That's why it's called engineering: the art of knowing what a product needs to become indispensable.
And that is why there is no standstill in development.
Nowadays, many processes can be reasonably automated and are carried out by machines.
Also the Tauwerk delight benefits greatly from the precision and efficiency of the machines used in development and production.
Some processes, on the other hand, are more efficient - especially in small batches - due to manual labor.
Here, the product benefits from human experience and intuition.
Placing individual carbon mats in the mold and building a spoke wheel from its individual components are two examples.
Last but not least, we firmly believe that we can only bring products to "life" if they pass through human hands during their creation.
Only through manual labor are created wheels with history, emotion and value. We give our wheels into your hands. Take good care of them.
#mut and 1TP8Pride
It certainly takes some courage, in a time of short-lived, cheap mass-produced products, to work with the Tauwerk wheels to the market.
But we are sure that we are not the only ones who appreciate the value of high quality products.
We believe in working with the Tauwerk delight to have created perhaps the best wheelchair bike in the world.
And we are proud to have realized ourselves in this.
We hope that everyone who has seen the Tauwerk delight also feels this striving for perfection, emotion and performance.

Dipl.-Ing. Falk Hofmann (CEO) - The Visionary
Falk has experienced innovation first-hand as a co-founder of a company in the bicycle sector and as an active athlete over many years. He knows about the potential for improvement - including in wheelchair sports. He now bundles his experience and creativity at Brave Components and in the development of Tauwerk wheels.
"Some of my friends are wheelchair users and competitive athletes. So my connection to the subject is much more than a purely professional one. With Brave Components, I can combine my know-how with my passion. That makes me passionate for this cause every day."
Felix Eckert (CFO) - The Generalist
The airline pilot learned just how important, and in some cases life-saving, innovation is in his work for Germany's largest airline. He now brings his technical know-how and the entrepreneurial knowledge he has acquired over the years to Brave Components. If you ask Christian and Falk what Felix's particular strengths are, they say: "He structures our ideas and makes sure the numbers add up!"
"I've been friends with Falk for a long time. When he told me about the project, it was clear to me: I want to and will support this all the way."

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Günther (R&D) - The developer
The passionate mountain biker and road cyclist knows the relevance of well thought-out and reliable high-performance components. He now brings his more than ten years of experience, including as a test engineer in the automotive sector at IAV and research into component strength at Chemnitz Technical University, to Brave Components.
"For me, innovation is based on creative ideas as well as the courage to leave well-trodden paths. What is necessary, what makes sense, what can be left out? For me, developing added value with and for our customers is both motivation and aspiration."
Company history
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Do you want to pre-order a cordage wheel today?
Contact us via contact@bravecomponents.com and we will send you more information.